Silica Dust Health Risks
Workers in the construction industry have always faced challenges with high risk work hazards, and respirable crystalline silica (RCS) or silica dust as the industry likes to call it, is the next big challenge. This fine particulate matter, when inhaled over time, poses significant health risks to workers. Understanding both the health and regulatory impacts is crucial for safeguarding worker wellness and ensuring compliance with work health and safety legislative requirements.
How does RCS silica dust impact my Health?
RCS or silica dust is a byproduct of working with silica-containing materials like concrete, bricks, tiles, sandstone, and granite. When these materials are cut, drilled, or ground, they release tiny crystalline silica particles into the air that are small enough to be inhaled deeply into the lungs. The health impacts of this exposure are severe and can include:
– Silicosis: This incurable lung disease occurs when silica dust causes lung inflammation and scarring, reducing the lungs’ ability to take in oxygen. It can be acute or develop over time.
– Lung Cancer: Extended exposure to RCS has been linked to an increased risk of lung cancer.
– Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): Conditions such as chronic bronchitis and emphysema can arise from long-term silica exposure.
– Kidney Disease: There is evidence suggesting that RCS exposure may also lead to kidney disease.
These serious health risks highlight the need for effective regulatory measures and immediate action from construction businesses to implement these measures and protect workers from exposure.
How will the new RCS silica dust regulations impact my business?
To combat these health risks, Work Health and Safety regulators across Australia are enforcing new regulations concerning silica dust exposure in the construction industry including:
- WorkSafe Queensland – Managing respirable crystalline silica dust exposure in the construction and manufacturing of construction elements Code of Practice 2022.
- WorkSafe ACT – Managing the Risk of Airbourne Crystalline Silica (Silica Dust) in the Workplace Code of Practice 2023.
- Other states and territories have released RCS silica dust guidance materials to help businesses implement effective risk control measures to eliminate or minimise the risk to workers.
Even though the exposure standard is now set at a maximum 0.05mg/m3 as an eight hour time weighted average (TWA), regulators are urging businesses to aim for much lower levels of between 0.02-0.025mg/m3 as an eight hour TWA. This will impact construction businesses all across Australia with many state and territory regulators increasing there site visits and enforcement action, handing out on the spot fines and compliance improvement notices.
The Work Health and Safety Regulations, codes of practice, and guidance materials, sets specific legal requirements pertaining to respirable crystalline silica dust. These include mandates for air quality monitoring, exposure levels, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), control measures like wet cutting methods and local exhaust ventilation systems and on-tool attachments to minimize dust generation during cutting, drilling, grinding, or jackhammering operations. This is the time for businesses to invest in new equipment and training for workers to minimise the risk of RCS exposure.
How to make immediate improvements
Strategies such as developing and implementing a Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) for working with or near RCS Silica Dust can give workers a step by step procedure on how to stay safe when working around RCS silica dust. This also assists the supervisor to monitor workers compliance on site, and provides the safe work procedure content for carrying out regular inductions and training for each worker.
If you require assistance developing a SWMS for working with or near RCS Silica Dust, or develop a policies and procedures update for your Safety Management Plan, CALL us on 1300 881 928 or complete our online enquiry form https://constructionwhsconsultants.com.au/contact/ or if you would like a Quote go to https://constructionwhsconsultants.com.au/pricing/#quote.